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Showing posts from May, 2024

Business Impact and Organizational Change Management

Last time we delved into the concept of business impact  and defined it using the context of a journey from the "current state" to the "desired future state."  In this blog entry, we will gain a better understanding of why business impact is so important by looking at basic Organizational Chage Management (OCM) principles.  As a caveat, this will not be a comprehensive treatment of OCM by any means and will deviate from what the current methodologies prescribe. Crawling to flying OCM comes in two flavors, for the most part: Kotter.   Developed by John Kotter, this is the direct result of his seminal book (published in 1996) entitled  Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail . Prosci.   Developed by Jeff Hiatt, this methodology is utilized by the company that he founded of the same name. You can find a nice high-level comparison between Kotter and Prosci  here . There are others, of course, including an honorable mention of one of my favorite business-related