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Showing posts from June, 2024

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a cruel partner in your professional journey.  If you're not familiar with the term, it is essentially the feeling that you do not belong in a particular profession or that you do not deserve a specific role or set of responsibilities.  (You may read more in the Wikipedia article .)  I did not hear the term myself until I participated in a mentoring group for young employees at my current job - some of the young employees said they had this, and I won't deny a bit of surprise when I read what it is. If you feel this way, you're obviously not alone.  A good friend of mine suffers from this in no small amount in spite of the fact that she's an upper mid-level manager at her company with an organization of approximately 40 people reporting to her.  She feels this way because she never completed college, but fails to realize that her hard work and dedication to being the best that she can be is why she has been repeatedly promoted through the ranks of h