I'm a big fan of League of Legends (affectionately known as "LoL"). There's a saying that man can live on potato chips and toilet paper alone - I could live on playing LoL, and toilet paper would be optional. LoL is a game in the MOBA genre, which is an acronym for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. In this particular MOBA game, you select a character to play based on their abilities, your knowledge of their play-style, and your opponent. Additionally, you can customize some of their stats to, for example, deal more damage or to regenerate your health more quickly so that you (hopefully) don't die if your opponent "goes all in." League of Legends gameplay I'm a morning person so on the weekends when I wake up (before anyone else in the family), I like to make my cup of coffee, turn on Twitch, and watch my favorite morning LoL streamer , SoloRenektonOnly. (You owe me for any new subscribers, Mike.) On one such occasion, SRO/Mike was talking...
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