It occurred to me, recently, that all of the articles I've tweeted from Flipboard while drinking my morning coffee fall into one of two categories. A new product or service is unveiled. This could be by a new company who is trying to make a name for itself, but just as often it's from an existing company that is trying to elevate itself to either stay ahead of the competition or take a threat head-on to avoid being pushed aside. An existing product or service had a failure of some sort that was discovered and/or revealed. Frequently, these are security breaches but can also be a failure in the sense that customer satisfaction was significantly impacted, the brand was damaged, etc. When a company fails to consider their purpose from the prospect of their customers then failures occur. For example, Equifax failed to secure their environment which allow them to be the victim of one of the largest (reported) security breaches in history. However, on a bigge...
Discussions on topics diverse, sure to entertain even the most seasoned professionals. Witty banter gives new life into everyday subjects.