(Originally published by me on www.servicevirtualization.com ) Complexity yields defects In part 2 , we examined why SCRUM and TDD exhibit problems when measured from the perspective of the number of defects that they both yield. Before we can begin to understand why Service Virtualization helps address both of these reasons, it's worth elaborating on statements made in part 2. You'll recall the equation to the right, presented last time. c represents the degree of complexity, which has a direct correlation to the amount of code that must be written to meet the business requirements that yielded the complexity to begin with. Because t is fixed and c continues to trend upward (over several releases) then the number of defects will also increase over time. Therefore, t is the primary constraint around which everything else revolves. Expected number of defects In SCRUM , an increase in the complexity of an individual sprint or the total application expressed as ...
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