Even though the e-ink on the ballots is just beginning to dry, today alone I've already seen talk about a possible run for the Commander in Chief in 2016 by both Clinton and Ryan. As I sit in Albany, NY in between meetings a block away from many state government buildings to type this, I am not shy about saying that I abhor politics and politicians in general. But it's not them per se that bothers me as much as it is their utter lack of ability to deal with the biggest plagues this country has seen during the past 4 1/2 years since the great depression. Long Term Captial Gains In recent months, there was much ado about long term capital gains tax rates, which was hard to escape when people like Warren Buffet said (paraphrased) that there was something wrong when he's paying a lower effective tax rate than his administrative assistant. And who can forget the ballyhoo surrounding Mitt Romney's tax returns, especially after it was revealed that his effective tax...
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