Similarly to last week, I was so floored by one article (blog entry, in reality) that I have to rehash it here. No, I'm not being lazy. But it is well-known to my readers that I'm not against biting the hand that once fed me, especially when that hand belongs to the Captains of Cash (which is a lot nicer than some other names you and I could have devised). In the blog entry, it examined some of the statements made by these Titans of Treasure in light of the housing crisis and provided their total compensation (salary, bonus, options, and retirement benefits) as a means to see how beneficial it is to be someone who feels "it is better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission." So how much does an apology cost? USD$2.3 billion dollars. Yes, that's billion with a "b." Ideally, I'd like to figure out the total years these gentlemen worked collectively as the heads of their respective institutions to determine a cost per year, but a) it...
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