"When I was a young warthog..." - Poombah, The Lion King I may not be young, but my wife would argue that I'm still a warthog. Meh. When I was young, however (7th grade), I can recall seeing my first computer: a Tandy Radio Shack, Z-80 (where the TRS-80 moniker originated) based PC with 4K of RAM and a cassette tape used for DASD. The local Tandy Sales Representative had dropped by my class (just before lunch) and showed us a simple program that was something like this: 10 PRINT "Hello world "; 20 GOTO 10 As I watched "Hello world" scroll across the screen at the speed of light, I was enamored. I just had to be a part of this phenomenon. Of course, being spoiled by TV shows like Lost in Space (funny, huh?) I figured computer programming was a cinch. So I, as a huge video games buff and a big fan of Space Invaders specifically, attempted the following during the last 15 minutes of lunch before they took the computer away. 10 Create 5 rows of al...
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